In a Keynote speech on the right to privacy in the digital age, delivered at the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Copenhagen, Denmark, Joe Cannataci highlighted privacy- and consent-related issues and challenges faced in the 21st century.
The speech covered among other topics, the importance of privacy as a right in itself and as a means to the discovery and development of personality, as well as privacy threats linked to the increasingly sophisticated analytical capabilities (e.g. those enabled by big data technology), the links between privacy and the business models underpinning modern data collection, storage and analytical capabilities, and individual/collective choice in relation to the use, collection and analysis of personal data in the context of networked technology (e.g. mobile devices).
The event has also highlighted the role and importance of information campaigns as means to informed decisions on matters relating to privacy and technology.
More information about this event may be found at the following links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6].