(June 27, 2017) – U.S. privacy policies — from government surveillance to the recent repeal of internet privacy regulations — are getting some tough love from “a critical friend.”
A preliminary review by an independent privacy expert for the United Nations Human Rights Council, timed to influence the upcoming debate in Congress over renewing legal authority for foreign intelligence surveillance programs, calls for far-reaching reforms in the work of U.S. intelligence agencies and other areas of U.S. privacy law.
Joseph Cannataci, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy, rates U.S. privacy protections overall as “good but could do better,” he said at a June 27 press briefing in Washington to release findings from his 10-day visit to four U.S. cities. “The U.S. has one of the most complex privacy protection systems on the planet.”
The complete article can be downloaded from here.