“Today, I had the honour to welcome at the Commission, Professor Joseph Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy, who is conducting an informal visit in Romania.
Starting from the initiatives of the Defence Commission in the field of legislative reform of the security sector, we have discussed several possibilities of cooperation on joint projects. Currently, Professor Cannataci is working with a team of experts on a series of projects, he wishes to promote at international level and in which he has invited the Commission to join, emphasizing the fact that Romania can be an example in what concerns progress made in adapting to the new challenges and risks of the security environment and the current policy towards openness and transparency.
Given his appreciation for our hosting the first edition of the International Intelligence Oversight Forum last year, he has invited us to participate in this year’s edition of the Forum, which will take place in November, in Brussels.
Finally, to enable the synchronization of our agendas and to better capitalize the expertise of Professor Cannataci, we have agreed to share a calendar of the events and activities which the Commission has planned.”
The official press release from The Chamber of Deputies can be found here and here.
Local press coverage can be accessed here, here and here.